Thursday, 8 November 2007

I love it

Hey Guys

how did you all like the first episode? I love it I love the main four and i found it wasn't much like skins like all the people kept saying more retro and arty but thats just my two cents, I'm hoping I'll be able to post some clips and stuff soon anyway why don't you check out our forum to have a chat with fellow fans about the episode.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree.

I think it was a lot more 'lighter' than skins. Granted there was the whole the mental mum thing, but just generally a more up beat feeling to the whole thing.

The main 4 all had a chemistry that worked well together. I can see the comparison between them and the main 4 in the OC. The geek, the tough (incase also kinda emo), the rich one, the one with troubles a home. I like it.

Finally, a British show worth wachting.

peggy89 said...

this is definately one of the best shows about atm pity they put it on at a shit time and onli found out there is onli 6episodes bein shown :(:(:(:(:(