Monday, 12 November 2007


0.04 Million viewers watch the premiere episode, I'm not sure if thats good or bad??
source: channel 4 sales


Rebecca said...

I have asked if anyone knows the actor who was in the kitchen in episode one with the motive on his tee shirt and no one has answered, could you let me know please.He looked really cool.....

Unknown said...

what does he look like?

ClawMD said...

0.04 is bad, channel 4 are trying to bury it with no advertising and putting it on in the middle of the night. It's pretty standard practice with channel 4 when the person who made it leaves and someone new comes in. Also channel 4 seem to have problems with kudos' success and want them to fail. Not only is there little to no advertising they've put shameless repeats against it on channel 4. If you like it tell everyone you know, don't let channel 4 bury it.

Unknown said...

Absolutely love it. Kudos have done an excellent job, they seem to have taken a very theatrical approach in its filming and production. It's just a fantastic spectacle :) great soundtrack too.

becky-boop said...

I think anyone who wants there to be a second series of NearlyFamous should add me on msn, and i will get a petition sorted and send it to the makers, :)