Thursday, 8 November 2007

Music Guide

Theme Tune

"Just For Tonight" By One Night Only

Music in adverts

"Frontline" by Captain

Episode 1

First Song
"In Colour" by Elviin
Second Song
"Go it Alone" (Owen's Song) by Joe Boswell
Third Song
"All Night Disco Party" by BrakesBrakesBrakes
Fourth Song
"The Fire in Me" by Julee Cruise
Fifth Song
"Oh My Gosh" by Basement Jaxx
Six Song
"Bump" by Spank Rock
Seventh Song
Eighth Song
Ninth Song
"What A Feeling" by Irene Cara (Remix)

Episode 2

First Song
"Spit at Stars" by Jack Penate
Second Song
"Hospital" by Tellison
Third Song
She's Got You High by Mumm-Ra
Fourth Song
" Make Excuses" (Owen and Lila Song) by Joe Boswell
Fifth Song
Do Your Thing by Basement Jaxx
Sixth Song
"Go it Alone" (Owen's Song) by Joe Boswell
Seventh Song
"Over My Shoulder" by Mika
Eighth Song
"Your Song"
by Kate Walsh

Episode 3

First Song
She's Got You High by Mumm-Ra
Second Song
"I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse

Episode 4

Mr Blue
by Catherine Feeny


Unknown said...

What is the song artist and title at the end of episode 3?

fizzy.izzie said...

ahh! i really really need to know what the song is called in episode 4 (and the artist) when ash and lilah are together after theyve been sitting on a rug... i cant be more specific sorry, i just NEED to know!!!!
i think it said mr blue in it but im not sure :/


Go said...

Um I think d song ur looking 4 is called Mr Blue by Catherine Feeney. I love dat song!

Unknown said...

What's the bollywood song when Ash and Lila are dancing??? I really wanna no.... i think its from a movie called Saathiya.

fizzy.izzie said...

ah! thanks callum omg its such a good song!
its making me REALLY happy right now!

thankyou!! :)

Louise.An. said...

I think one of the sons that uyou are unsure of in Episode 1 or 2 is Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position...

I can't remember what ep it comes from. I think it's ep 1. I shall check for you.

I love Patrick wolf, so was overjoyed to hear him featured in Nearly Famous. :):):)


Kate said...

Just wondering what the song is called in episode 4 - Owen plays it on the guitar when Jo is filming him and it's also played when everyone's in their room? Sounds really nice. And I love that Mr Blue song!
Thanks! xx

Kate said...

Just wondering what the song is called in episode 4 - Owen plays it on the guitar when Jo is filming him and it's also played when everyone's in their room? Sounds really nice. And I love that Mr Blue song!
Thanks! xx

Anonymous said...

hey can someone PLEASE tell me what the song is called which features in episode four as lila is explaining to her mum why she has to take her back to hospital, its quite near the end afetr kate is in her teachers office, many thanks!

bethhhhhh .. said...

Do you have the music for the last episode? On December the 5th. Im not sure what episode it is though.


IsThisMyLife said...

can anyone tell me the name and artist of the song the teacher guy performed in episode 5?? i wont be able to get it out of my head till i know! argh!!! :P
thank youuuuu

Jenny said...

The Song the Teacher sings at the gig in Episode 5 is called "I Wanna Just"

you can listen to it here:

anyone know what the song is at the start of episode 4, during the trust game?

BloodyBang said...

i really liked a song from episode 6 but i dont have a clue what it was. It was played really early on. Can we get the lists updated? Thanks!

and if it helps:

World at large - modest mouse was played on episode 5 and it's one of the best songs ive heard on the show (Y)

also: anyone know how to get owen's version of go it alone?

Thanks! shame the show's finished for this series

Jenny said...

I know one of the Songs in Episode 6, somewhere early on was Hometown Glory by Adele (

brightish_eyes said...

This hasn't been updated in ages :(
I get most of the songs by typing the lyrics into google when listening to the show, but i can't here enough of the song when lila and kate are in the toilets making up in episode six. it's really bugging me the song is so pretty.

Sarah said...

anyone know the song when Owen & Lila were saying goodbye at the ball? it was like a piano tune..really good!

Blondie. said...

Where is the song information for the rest of the episodes?

opehlia said...

i am DESPERATE to know what this song is:

Episode 1
lila is in da hospital talking 2 her mum and wen kate gets in the car.
and when jo owen and kate get back to college.

it goes...

love will make us grow..
love will let us know..

or something.



for reference go onto and type in:

nearly famous 101 clip 21


Anonymous said...

i love this showwwww!!!!!! I dont change channels even in commercials and I am a channel surfer

melanie said...

I NEED to know the song in episode 4, at the very beginning, when they're playing the trust game ?

Someone please tell me :)

Iron Kat said...

I don't know if this has been asked yet but does anyone who who covered Love Will Tear Us Apart at the end of episode 5? I thought it was a good cover; not as good as the original of course but still good and would love to listen to it in full.

Lisa608 said...

The Joydivision Cover was done by Honeyroot
Check it out on Youtube:

And for the rest of the songs featured on Nearly Famous, I've made a playlist on YouTube. It's not complete, but has more songs than discussed here.

Lisa608 said...

Thanks! I still care. I love this show!

Anonymous said...

@lisa608 thanks so much for the playlist!!!!!!!!! :)

Ritz said...

They most definitely NEED to make a season even this far from the line. I barely began AND finished the series yesterday because I was soooo hooked on it. It would be much appreciated if they wrote a script for the second season to see what happens with Owen and if the other make it into the spotlight like they dreamed.

Iron Kat said...

Ritz, I'm going to have ago at writing a fanfic for Nearly Famous at some point. It'll take place after the series and will cover how everyone copes at the Salinger School after Owen leaves. And if I can figure out how to bring Owen in I'll write him into the story as well. I'm not sure when I'll get round to writing it, though. I've got a lot of other stuff going on at the moment and I don't even have a plot fully structured yet, but if I can I'll get back to you again about the fic.