Hey Guys
Sorry there has not been a update in a while but we've all been busy with Skins Online and personal life but I'm gonna do some mini updates soon but the site will properly been very quite as no Nearly Famous on any more and no news of a second series we gonna focus mainly on Skins, but that said we have not forgotten Nearly Famous please sign the petition, email channel 4 do whatever you can to support the show I know how much the show means to people this site will remain for fans if you have any news please feel free to email us at our address.
The Nearly Famous Team
I so hope series 2 happens!
I think Nearly Famous would have done so well if it hadn't been stuck on so late at night. I caught the first episode by chance and I'm so glad I did because it became essential viewing for the following 5 weeks. Every episode really just messed with the heartstrings and although the story was a bit . . . over the top sometimes, that's what great TV is about, being able to go over the top but keep it so gripping and relatable that you can't bear to miss the next episode.
The final episode crushed me completely but it was a brilliant end to an awesome ride.
Series 2 just has to happen because there's nothing else on TV like Nearly Famous at the moment and it's so much better than the E4 flagship Skins, I can't wait for more. Maybe if they just gave it another shot at a better timeslot it'd do so much better. If it can get so many people interested on at 11pm on a Thursday and E4 think how much it could do an hour earlier or on channel 4.
And if all that wasn't reason enough, here's a few more:
1. The story is only half told! It ended on a low, that can't happen!
2. The was so much OTT character development crammed into every episode of the first series that now there's enough background to take the story anywhere.
3. Lila and Owen! That's by far the most heart wrenching roller coaster on TV! You could take away the whole show and just leave that and it'd still be awesome.
4. The awesome costumes! Whoever works in the costume department for Nearly Famous is brilliant because they're always so fantastically oddly yet believably dressed.
5. Talulah Rileys smile. It'd melt anyone.
i think it sucks that there wont be a second series it was sooooooooo good and it never really finished!i hope they do make a second season but with aaron in it as his original person owen! I LOVED IT SOOO MUCH pleassseeeeeeeeeeee bring it back i also think it would of got more votes if had been on earlier and even though it did nit get loads of votes the people that do watch it are gutted soooooo pleassseeeee bring it back with aaron/owen lol xx
also it wasent really finished there is soo much more to find out and lila and owenthat was grate wat will happen to them sooo bring it back with owen/aaon
i really do think there should be a series 2 there so much more to the story, i mean what about lila and owen it doesnt end just like that. If it is done again it should totally be done with the original cast because two of them are more known now which will make the audience watching it bigger! id for onw watch it my mates would watch it, my family would everyone i know would and considering my families quite big thats a lot of people! I REALLY HOPE THERES ANOTHER SERIES IT WOUD BE ABSOLUTLEY BRILLIANT!
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